These keys provide enough information to allow inserting and adding displaychain drivers for installers. Originally "InstalledDisplayDrivers" = vboxdisp of the virtualBox Display driver.Īfter installing zoomtext this became ai2ldr.Īfter installing jaws the values of the displaychaining\display0 are: The last dcm aware driver points to dcmc0d0, or the renamed display driver dll. There are reg_multi_sz for each driver in the chain with the next driver listed as the value. The inserted driver is also placed in the First Entry value of the displaychaining\display0 key. The filename of the inserted driver, minus the dll, is used for the InstalledDisplayDrivers of the class key above. When the first driver is inserted into the chain, it renames the original driver dll to dcmc0d0.dll and copies the original values of InstalledDisplayDrivers to HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\displaychaining\display0 "Original Names".

If no chaining was done there is no dcmc0d0.dl and the HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\displaychaining\display0 is unpopulated. When dcm is active it points to the driver of the first driver in the chain. The value of the above installedDisplaydrivers reg_multi_sz is usually the filename of the displaycard driver minus the. Just to expand on this from my understanding from having tangled with jaws\zoomtext on several hundred machines. HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\\0000\Settings "InstalledDisplayDrivers" On install, I got the value from the key: "C:\WINDOWS\system32\dcmc0d0.dll" (rename it to something like 'dcmc0d0.dllbackup') On install, I made a type 38 Custom Action (running just before installFinalize) to do the following: Here's a very rough guide of what I had to do - you'll need to conduct your own investigatiuons to support it because things may be different now. It *can* be packaged, but it's by no means easy.